Xplore Virtual Art App
Xplore is a virtual touring art gallery. The main goal of Xplore is to provide both creatives and art enthusiasts more options when it comes to viewing and purchasing artwork. The app will have an augmented reality function that will allow users to preview artwork in a way that gives them the feel of an actual art gallery.
July 2022 - October 2022
UX Designer from conceptualisation to finish

The Problem
Busy art collectors don’t have time to travel 
to art galleries to view and purchase art.
The Goal
The goal is to create a virtual touring app 
that will save art collectors the time to travel 
to actual art galleries. Through this app collectors 
will also have access to a wide variety of artwork.

{ User research }
I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the potential users i am creating this product for. I was able to detect their goals and pain points. I reviewed the research multiple times to make sure it was not influenced by any biases.
I initially thought that this will just be an app for viewing art but as I did more research I realized that it will be ideal to add a way for users to be able to purchase art work too. 
Time is a factor for most of the users as the app make them spend less time travelling physically to art galleries. Moreover there is no pressure to purchase any art work; they can always go back to the app and take their time to make up their mind.

Persona 1
Dorothy (47)
- University Graduate
- New York
- Single
- Interior
Dorothy is an interior decorator that has a lot of clients all around New York. Clients are starting to complain that her work is getting a little monotonous; mainly because she gets most of the artwork used for decorations from the usual art galleries. Dorothy needs a way to get varied art pieces from a wide range of galleries.
Persona 1
Elender (37)
- University Graduate
- San Jose, California
- Married
- Entrepreneur
Aegean is a successful IT entrepreneur who is also involved in the creative industries. He is also a collector of unique art pieces. He lives in the suburbs on the outskirts of a large city. He enjoys arty and social life that San Jose has to offer, but may not be able to find as much time for those activities as he takes on more responsibilities at work.
Aegean is looking for a way to view art online so he can spend less time travelling to actual art galleries. This will save him a lot of time that could be used to be creative in his own field.
{ User journey map }
{ Paper wireframes }
I spent time working on paper wireframes. I focused on achieving a design that addressed the users pain points.
{ Digital wireframe }
The lo-fi wireframe is based on feedback and findings from the user research.
{ Low-Fidelity prototype }
I used the set of digitized low-fidelity wireframes to produce a prototype. This will bring us closer to understanding better how the app should function.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

{ Usability study: Findings }
{ Refining the design }
After conducting the usability study, it was found that the AR feature was not clear enough. Using contrast and elevation on the button solved the issue.
The payment section was also not clear enough. Adding credit card images made it more obvious.
{ Mockups }
{ High-Fidelity prototype }
The hi-fi prototype demonstrates an improved user flow. The use of some transition effects makes the user experience more fun. This prototype demonstrates how users can view and purchase artwork.

High-Fidelity Prototype

{ Accessibility Considerations }
{ Takeaways }
{ Next Steps }
Thank you for your time!
My contact details can be found below if you would like to reach out.

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