The Designer In You
TDIY (The Designer In You) is a fashion tutorial search website. The typical users range from 18-60 years old. This website will cater to users looking to take the DIY approach in when it comes to fashion.
October 2022 - December 2022
Lead UX designer
{ User research: Summary }
{ User research: Pain points }
Persona: Pat
Pat (34)
University graduate
marketing manager
Pat is a marketing manager who needs to find fashion tutorials online because she would like to make her own dresses. She needs a website that is easy to navigate so she can open more time on learning rather than looking for the right tutorials.
{ Sitemap }
{ Paper wireframes }
I sketched out paper wireframes, keeping the pain points and user flow in mind.
{ Paper wireframes screen size variation }
Variation in screen size was considered as users will access the website using different devices.
{ Digital wireframes }
Transitioning to digital wireframes helped to address user pain points with more clarity. Priority was given to most especially the search bar. This way users will know what to do immediately the page is loaded.
{ Low-Fidelity prototype }
I created a low-fidelity prototype by linking the screens involved in the primary user flow of searching for tutorials. This prototype allows users to reach their goal via suggestions, categories or the search bar.
{ Usability study: parameters }
{ Mockups }
The primary goal was to make it obvious that the website is a search engine for fashion tutorials. The search bar was made larger and placed on the hero image. This makes  the most important feature of the website clear and obvious to the user..

Users will be allowed to rate tutorials. This will help filter substandard content from the mix.
{ Mockups: Original screen size }
{ Mockups: screen size variation }
{ High-Fidelity Prototype }
{ Accessibilities considerations }
{ Takeaways }
{ Next steps }
Thank you for your time spent on going through my case study.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions

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