Givas Community
Service App
Be a part of something good
Givas is an app/website that provides a great way to get involved in your community, find volunteer opportunities, and support local organisations and causes. In addition to all these features, the user will be able to directly purchase gifts for less privileged children within the community.

February 2023 - March 2023
Visual + UX Designer / Brand Strategist
{ The Problem } 
There is a lack of an efficient and convenient platform for connecting volunteers and community organisations, making it difficult for people to find and participate in meaningful community service opportunities.
{ The goal } 
This product should be user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. It should provide clear instructions, easy-to-use tools, and a positive user experience that encourages people to use it regularly.
{ User Research } 
I conducted surveys and interviews to gather information about users’ experiences and expectations with community service apps. I also analyzed data from similar apps and websites to identify best practices and areas of improvement. By incorporating user research into the design process, the goal was to ensure that the app meets the needs of its target audience and provides a positive user experience that fosters engagement and encourages ongoing use.

Persona 1
Austin (37)
- University Graduate
- Johannesburg
- Married
- Entrepreneur
Austine is a successful artist who grew up in an orphanage. He has first hand experience of how it feels to not have the tools to fulfil his dreams. He lives in the arty part of johannesburg. He will like a tool that will help him volunteer teaching the less privileged of his community arts and crafts. He will like to be able to schedule times when he will be available.
Persona 2
Eunice (37)
- University Graduate
- Durban
- Single
- Accountant
Eunice is an accountant looking for a way to become a better human by contributing to one way or another to her community. She lives in an area surrounded by a lot of low income families. She will like a tool that can help her find the best way to serve her community.
{ Ideation }​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
I made quick sketches to come up with ideas that will fill in the gap identified in the competitive audit. I added a way users can directly purchase gifts requested by children from orphanages around.
{ Digital Wireframes }
After ideating, I created the first draft of the low-fidelity digital wireframe and adjusted it till I got something that was closer to the initial idea.
{ Low-Fidelity Prototype }
I created a low-fidelity version of the app by focusing on the core functionalities. This helped clarify the purpose and value proposition of the app, which would help inform later development efforts.
{ High-Fidelity Prototype }
The high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fidelity prototype.​​​​​​​
{ Usability Studies: Parameters }
Study type: Unmoderated usability study
Location: South Africa, Remote
Participants: 5
Length: 30-60mins
Based on the insights, I changed the color of the ‘buy’ button to a bright orange like color to make it obvious to the user.
A question mark icon was added to lead users to a support page, where they can learn how to use the app.
{ Accessibility Considerations }
{ Site Map }
{ Responsive Design }
{ Takeaways }
{ Next steps }
Thanks for your time and reviewing my work, let’s connect!

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